So we moved to our new rental house in September and I am just now feeling like things are finding their proper place and it half way looks finished. I spent the better part of today finally pulling out the few holiday decorations I have and have been enjoying the corny Christmas movies on tv while sipping on my coffee ALL day. Justin is out of town on yet another hunting excursion so, obviously, Ive been in my pajamas all weekend (except Saturday because I worked) doing nothing, and its been splendid.
As for updating yall on life, me and my friend Becca just joined BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) and have our first real meeting tomorrow night. For those of you unfamiliar, its a Bible study for all denominations under the Christian faith and is focused on learning to read and understand the Word. There are 8 years worth of lessons and this year we are studying Acts and the Apostles. We are in Hebrews and I gotta say my first lesson is intense, however its exciting to be challenged.
Me and Justin were blessed to be able to attend our families Thanksgivings this past month and got good visits in. Sadly enough I did have to miss the McCoy Thanksgiving and am hoping to be able to see them for Christmas. I had myself a pity party when I learned everyone was there but us, however, I was able to have an entertaining time with Justin's family in Ballinger which lifted my spirits.We are excited for a jam-packed Christmas weekend. Here is a picture of my family (of course missing Kylie,Eric, and the boys) at the Fry Thanksgiving. Arent we just beautiful?
On other note, Ive got lots up plans for our house and am eager to finish my projects so I can finally give a glance of our new place! We are building an apothecary media console, a decorative ledge for picture frames in the living room, a headboard, and later on a coffee table and side table. We will be busy these coming weeks, wish us luck!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Mesquite, Sweet, Mesquite
As you already know about 3 weeks ago me and Justin moved out of our apartment and into a very cute rent house. Its in Mesquite, TX which is about 20-25 minutes East of Dallas and we are LOVING it! My parents helped us move by bringing a trailor full of our stuff that was being stored at their house in Austin. One of the most welcomed things they brought was our wonderful grill which we have so dearly missed. While they were here we made sure to put it to good use so we grilled up some hotdogs and pigged out on some awesome watermelon. We havent unpacked everything yet but are slowly starting to put the house together. And this past weekend the Smith's came in town and got to sleep on our new guest bedroom bed! We felt like such adults purchasing a bed. We celebrated both me and Justin's upcoming birthdays, enjoying some wonderful desserts that Rachael and Judy made.
This past month has been full of some great family visiting and I am SO ready for Thanksgiving when I can get together with the whole fam. On a side note, if you could keep my Memaw in your prayers, she fell this week and broke her leg right above her knee. She is 84 years old and this is her first broken bone, which is incredible, however it makes this one seem like an even bigger deal. So please keep her in your prayers as well as my aunts and uncles, mom and dad, who are trying to be with her through the healing process.
I will return with photos of the new casa as soon as we get our internet up and running again! - Ive been doing my online oogling at work during lunch. But soon I shall return to the facebook and blogging world.
This past month has been full of some great family visiting and I am SO ready for Thanksgiving when I can get together with the whole fam. On a side note, if you could keep my Memaw in your prayers, she fell this week and broke her leg right above her knee. She is 84 years old and this is her first broken bone, which is incredible, however it makes this one seem like an even bigger deal. So please keep her in your prayers as well as my aunts and uncles, mom and dad, who are trying to be with her through the healing process.
I will return with photos of the new casa as soon as we get our internet up and running again! - Ive been doing my online oogling at work during lunch. But soon I shall return to the facebook and blogging world.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
We're moving!
Good news everyone, we're moving out of our apartment and into a rental house! Praise the LORD! After almost 7 months in an apartment we have learned we are not apartment people. Although there are many people who enjoy the comforts of an apartment such as no yard work, oh wait, that's the only benefit I can think of. But anyway, Id much rather mow my own grass, sweep my own porch, always have a parking spot right in front of my home, and have neighbors I cant hear through the walls.
Its a 2 bed, 2 bath, 2 car garage house that fits us to a T. We were hoping to have a slightly larger place, maybe 3 bedrooms, but everything was renting so fast we could barely see them before they were off the market. Then we stumbled onto this little gem. We are the first tenants, the landlord lived there before, and they are very nice and have taken such good care of the house. Dixie has a yard again and best of all, we can be proud of this little place like we were of our place in Abilene. It was so rough on us to move out of that house so its nice to be moving into a place we think we could love as much. (Well, maybe not as much, theres nothing like the first place you called home as newlyweds). Yay for movin' on up!
My job is going good, Im almost done with training and will soon be on my own in the office! I will officially be large and in charge. Justin just got a little promotion and I am so proud! He's only been there 6 months and they seem to really love him, I mean, who wouldnt love this stud?
Its a 2 bed, 2 bath, 2 car garage house that fits us to a T. We were hoping to have a slightly larger place, maybe 3 bedrooms, but everything was renting so fast we could barely see them before they were off the market. Then we stumbled onto this little gem. We are the first tenants, the landlord lived there before, and they are very nice and have taken such good care of the house. Dixie has a yard again and best of all, we can be proud of this little place like we were of our place in Abilene. It was so rough on us to move out of that house so its nice to be moving into a place we think we could love as much. (Well, maybe not as much, theres nothing like the first place you called home as newlyweds). Yay for movin' on up!
My job is going good, Im almost done with training and will soon be on my own in the office! I will officially be large and in charge. Justin just got a little promotion and I am so proud! He's only been there 6 months and they seem to really love him, I mean, who wouldnt love this stud?
Last year in Abilene |
Friday, August 19, 2011
Working girl
So, Ive been at my new job for over a week and its been going pretty good. I can see that I have a lot of responsibilities and am curious to see how itll go when I am on my own. Right now I am training and am learning from a stand-in supervisor so I can learn the routine. Its 10 hour days but I dont work Friday's and I get a 4 day weekend once a month! I think I could get used to that.
Other than the 50 minute commute and the being brain dead from information overload, its been really interesting. And I will clear the air since I know some people have been iffy on what I will be doing. I do not get to decide for myself who gets food benefits and who doesnt. Its an income based program and is NOT welfare. Its only for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). And they dont get money, they get awarded certain food packages which ensure proper nutrition during pregnancy and for children during a very detrimental time of development (milk, beans, cereals infused with iron, baby food for those 6 mon. to a year, and a dollar amount towards fruits or veggies) They DONT get to go buy whatever food they want, only approved items. I just wanted to clear that up because my Mom said when she tells people they think I am just handing out money. This program actually saves the government money.
Me and Justin are wanting to move east of Dallas and cut my commute in half. We are very excited to be in a rental house instead of an apartment. Although I am going to miss the pool, that has been nice!
My parents are coming in town this weekend and we are going to the Mesquite Pro-rodeo series! Me and Justin have been before and I am pumped to go again, it was so much fun. Thanks for reading, tata for now!
Other than the 50 minute commute and the being brain dead from information overload, its been really interesting. And I will clear the air since I know some people have been iffy on what I will be doing. I do not get to decide for myself who gets food benefits and who doesnt. Its an income based program and is NOT welfare. Its only for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). And they dont get money, they get awarded certain food packages which ensure proper nutrition during pregnancy and for children during a very detrimental time of development (milk, beans, cereals infused with iron, baby food for those 6 mon. to a year, and a dollar amount towards fruits or veggies) They DONT get to go buy whatever food they want, only approved items. I just wanted to clear that up because my Mom said when she tells people they think I am just handing out money. This program actually saves the government money.
Me and Justin are wanting to move east of Dallas and cut my commute in half. We are very excited to be in a rental house instead of an apartment. Although I am going to miss the pool, that has been nice!
My parents are coming in town this weekend and we are going to the Mesquite Pro-rodeo series! Me and Justin have been before and I am pumped to go again, it was so much fun. Thanks for reading, tata for now!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Guess what folks!!?? Its happening!!
I know I just posted like 2 days ago but there is such great news that I must post again. I have been on the job hunt for just about 2 months, not too bad, but was getting frustrated at the types of jobs that I was being considered for and was ready to see something open up that I really wanted to do. Well, thank the good Lord that I passed on a previous offer to part time teach it comes...are you ready for this.....I was just offered a Nutritionist/Clinical Supervisor position with WIC!!!!! (Woman, Infant, and Children through Outreach Services)
Finally, I get to use my degree and what better way than through a service that helps underprivileged people feed their family! Its in Kaufman, Texas which means we get to move into a bigger place! Its east of Dallas but not too far, Justin will still have a fairly short drive to work. Thank you so much to those who have prayed for us and who have been thinking of us. We appreciate all the support of our family and cant wait to start getting ahead in life! A lot of our worries and financial woes were caused by me not being employed full time and now I think we will rest easier knowing we have a bit more money coming in. Thank you God for opening this door.
Also, special thanks to Jason/Shana for lending us a car while we were in need. Thank you to Kris/Kristy for offering to help us if we needed it. Thank you to our parents for loving us, helping us, and praying for our situation to improve. And thank God for giving us patience and making our money go further than it seemed it could.
Finally, I get to use my degree and what better way than through a service that helps underprivileged people feed their family! Its in Kaufman, Texas which means we get to move into a bigger place! Its east of Dallas but not too far, Justin will still have a fairly short drive to work. Thank you so much to those who have prayed for us and who have been thinking of us. We appreciate all the support of our family and cant wait to start getting ahead in life! A lot of our worries and financial woes were caused by me not being employed full time and now I think we will rest easier knowing we have a bit more money coming in. Thank you God for opening this door.
Also, special thanks to Jason/Shana for lending us a car while we were in need. Thank you to Kris/Kristy for offering to help us if we needed it. Thank you to our parents for loving us, helping us, and praying for our situation to improve. And thank God for giving us patience and making our money go further than it seemed it could.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Signs Im getting older
I am 24, 25 in November, and I am just now starting to feel like an adult. I guess technically I've been considered an adult the day I turned twenty and was no longer a teen. However, as any 20-? year old can attest to, people don't really treat you as an adult at that age. Maybe my perspective was skewed since I didnt feel like an adult but regardless, I'm starting to feel it now.
When you're younger you're always carded when you order a drink. People at the tire place think you don't know what an oil change means. You're asked, "what do you want to do for a living?" every time you're introduced to an older adult. You're lucky if you can get a job since you have "no job experience". Employers take advantage of you because 'you're too young to know how business works'. People stare at you when you go out to eat with friends because you're expected to be loud and obnoxious.
(Don't get me wrong, I was recently in college and understand that people in that age range can be some of the above, however, not all of us are screwballs.)
Now I find myself being bombarded with people assuming I'm ready for this adult stuff. The loan people no longer think you're this cute college kid with no money but now expect you to be rollin' in the big bucks and ready to hand it over. The questions are no longer about what I want to do for a living but have changed to, "so when are you having kids?", "buying a house?" etc. I haven't been carded in a year and at every interview I'm expected to have had all this job experience that was hard to come by at the time.
Me and Justin just bought our first vacuum (we've been borrowing-don't think we're that nasty) this past week and when I was at the pool I got so annoyed with these 'young hooligans' who wouldn't stop talking loud and kept blowing their nasty cigarette smoke my direction. In these moments I found myself thinking, "wow, my perspective has sure changed." Now that I feel a little bit of the other side I am trying to remember to be one of the good adults, the ones that give younger people credit where its due and who tries to understand instead of criticize. I know I'm only 24 but with all the bills to pay, loans to payoff, errands to run, interviews to be at, I hope I can gracefully bridge the gap between kid and adult within myself.
"A grownup is a child with layers on."- Woody Harrelson
"Too many people grow up. That's the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up. They forget. They don't remember what it's like to be 12 years old. They patronize, they treat children as inferiors. Well, I won't do that."- Walt Disney
When you're younger you're always carded when you order a drink. People at the tire place think you don't know what an oil change means. You're asked, "what do you want to do for a living?" every time you're introduced to an older adult. You're lucky if you can get a job since you have "no job experience". Employers take advantage of you because 'you're too young to know how business works'. People stare at you when you go out to eat with friends because you're expected to be loud and obnoxious.
(Don't get me wrong, I was recently in college and understand that people in that age range can be some of the above, however, not all of us are screwballs.)
Now I find myself being bombarded with people assuming I'm ready for this adult stuff. The loan people no longer think you're this cute college kid with no money but now expect you to be rollin' in the big bucks and ready to hand it over. The questions are no longer about what I want to do for a living but have changed to, "so when are you having kids?", "buying a house?" etc. I haven't been carded in a year and at every interview I'm expected to have had all this job experience that was hard to come by at the time.
Me and Justin just bought our first vacuum (we've been borrowing-don't think we're that nasty) this past week and when I was at the pool I got so annoyed with these 'young hooligans' who wouldn't stop talking loud and kept blowing their nasty cigarette smoke my direction. In these moments I found myself thinking, "wow, my perspective has sure changed." Now that I feel a little bit of the other side I am trying to remember to be one of the good adults, the ones that give younger people credit where its due and who tries to understand instead of criticize. I know I'm only 24 but with all the bills to pay, loans to payoff, errands to run, interviews to be at, I hope I can gracefully bridge the gap between kid and adult within myself.
"A grownup is a child with layers on."- Woody Harrelson
"Too many people grow up. That's the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up. They forget. They don't remember what it's like to be 12 years old. They patronize, they treat children as inferiors. Well, I won't do that."- Walt Disney
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Summer, Summer, Summer
A little update on my job search...its still going. I have had 5 interviews so far and one coming up on the 21st. I had a bit of a letdown with the past company...I thought I had it, but something is bound to happen so I am staying positive.
Despite the Texas heat, the fact that Ive only been to the lake once, and that I have only eaten watermelon one time so far, I love Summer! Me and Justin have had a few adventures this summer. We went to the Dallas World Aquarium and saw a monkey thats so small it could fit in your palm. They had sharks, manatees, alligators and a mommy monkey carrying a baby on her back. I have to say that the monkeys were my favorite part, they were incredible. And then my car got a flat so the day ended a bit sweaty but it was worth it.

My Dad came up to help us with Justin's truck and we had a great visit. We had a bunch of friends over for the 4th of July. We had more than enough food and got to see some fireworks. And although the fireworks show we saw was not the greatest, we got to eat watermelon in the nice summer night weather.

I also got 2 new plants and they are still living!! Its only been a week, give it time, but they are so pretty right now. I got a Mexican Heather and a hanging Vinca. They really add a lot to our tiny patio! There will be lots of family and friend visiting the rest of summer as I hope to go to Austin soon. I got to visit with my good friend Meagan today, how great to have friends who know you so well! And I know there is more in store for our summer but yay so far!
Despite the Texas heat, the fact that Ive only been to the lake once, and that I have only eaten watermelon one time so far, I love Summer! Me and Justin have had a few adventures this summer. We went to the Dallas World Aquarium and saw a monkey thats so small it could fit in your palm. They had sharks, manatees, alligators and a mommy monkey carrying a baby on her back. I have to say that the monkeys were my favorite part, they were incredible. And then my car got a flat so the day ended a bit sweaty but it was worth it.
My Dad came up to help us with Justin's truck and we had a great visit. We had a bunch of friends over for the 4th of July. We had more than enough food and got to see some fireworks. And although the fireworks show we saw was not the greatest, we got to eat watermelon in the nice summer night weather.
I also got 2 new plants and they are still living!! Its only been a week, give it time, but they are so pretty right now. I got a Mexican Heather and a hanging Vinca. They really add a lot to our tiny patio! There will be lots of family and friend visiting the rest of summer as I hope to go to Austin soon. I got to visit with my good friend Meagan today, how great to have friends who know you so well! And I know there is more in store for our summer but yay so far!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Calling all Dave Ramsey Fans!
Me and Justin are interested in trying the Dave Ramsey financial coaching thing and are wanting to see if anyone actually has benefited from his program. I know a lot of people use his methods but has anyone done the whole program? If you have ANY insight into Dave Ramsey strategy or some legit results...PLEASE leave a comment or message me on facebook.
The program I am talking about is meeting with a Dave Ramsey financial coach for the set amount of months, following the steps, and cancelling debt.
Thanks guys, I really hope some of you can help us out!
The program I am talking about is meeting with a Dave Ramsey financial coach for the set amount of months, following the steps, and cancelling debt.
Thanks guys, I really hope some of you can help us out!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Nobody knows the touble Ive seen
I titled this post with a verse of the song Zazu sings when stuck in the cage at the end of Lion King. Thats about how I have been feeling lately, trapped in a little cage, powerless to do anything. Dont worry, Im not going to have a pity party, its just incredible how much we are able to handle with some trust in God. Let me make sense of this for you...
Happenings of the last month:
-Justin's truck wouldnt start. We have been going with just one car. We are hoping to revive it soon.
-My car's bumper bends back when you pull out of a parking space.
-My car got a flat while me and Justin went to the Dallas aquarium.
-My car's battery died and had to be replaced. We had to walk, with battery in hand, to the Auto Zone up the road to buy a new one.
-School loans kicked in.
-Dixie almost got hit by a car one night when me and Justin took her for a walk.
-I have yet to find a full time job.
This might not sound too bad but it has rocked our little world. And anyone who knows me knows that I worry, panic, and worry some more. However, I feel oddly at peace and I guess I'm waiting for the freak out moment to come. All this to say that no matter how much we go through, or how huge these problems seem now, I am confident God will work through it. No struggle in life is not worth what we have coming.
I just watched a movie and heard a quote that I loved. Although Ill probably butcher it, it goes something like,
Happenings of the last month:
-Justin's truck wouldnt start. We have been going with just one car. We are hoping to revive it soon.
-My car's bumper bends back when you pull out of a parking space.
-My car got a flat while me and Justin went to the Dallas aquarium.
-My car's battery died and had to be replaced. We had to walk, with battery in hand, to the Auto Zone up the road to buy a new one.
-School loans kicked in.
-Dixie almost got hit by a car one night when me and Justin took her for a walk.
-I have yet to find a full time job.
This might not sound too bad but it has rocked our little world. And anyone who knows me knows that I worry, panic, and worry some more. However, I feel oddly at peace and I guess I'm waiting for the freak out moment to come. All this to say that no matter how much we go through, or how huge these problems seem now, I am confident God will work through it. No struggle in life is not worth what we have coming.
I just watched a movie and heard a quote that I loved. Although Ill probably butcher it, it goes something like,
"Please, LORD, give me the strength to do the things I can control. Give me the patience with the things I cant, and give me the courage to tell the difference."
I have absolutely no idea how we are going to make it but it doesnt matter...I have an incredible family and an even more amazing calling, to trust God in all things.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Some Smith happenings
Good news, I just got offered a tiny part time job at Pottery Barn. Its not much but hey, I'm not complaining, its more than I had before! I am still on the search for something full time though. Its still exciting...a paycheck!
I am thrilled that I will be have something to do in the day time but know that Ill miss things that me and Justin do in the evenings.We have started working out regularly and I even go to the weight room with him. And we are currently working through the tv series, Scrubs, so I might have to catch up on a few episodes when I am scheduled in the evenings. But again, yay for any kind of paycheck!
On another note, I finished a baby girl quilt about 2 weeks ago for my expectant friend and my mommy finished the final touches on the skirt we started. I wore the skirt Sunday and it worked perfect! Here are some pictures of our hard work!
I just have to include a picture of Dad and Justin after they went to the shop and worked on a door for my Grannie's shed. They also tried to get the Sea Doo fixed and might have fiddled around the shop doing other seems they always have a project. And although I copied a picture just like this of my brother and Dad (bro worked on the job sites with Dad after he had his stints put in), it was too cute to pass up. It just goes to show how well Justin fits into my family! The two men in my life, how sweet!
I am thrilled that I will be have something to do in the day time but know that Ill miss things that me and Justin do in the evenings.We have started working out regularly and I even go to the weight room with him. And we are currently working through the tv series, Scrubs, so I might have to catch up on a few episodes when I am scheduled in the evenings. But again, yay for any kind of paycheck!
On another note, I finished a baby girl quilt about 2 weeks ago for my expectant friend and my mommy finished the final touches on the skirt we started. I wore the skirt Sunday and it worked perfect! Here are some pictures of our hard work!
I just have to include a picture of Dad and Justin after they went to the shop and worked on a door for my Grannie's shed. They also tried to get the Sea Doo fixed and might have fiddled around the shop doing other seems they always have a project. And although I copied a picture just like this of my brother and Dad (bro worked on the job sites with Dad after he had his stints put in), it was too cute to pass up. It just goes to show how well Justin fits into my family! The two men in my life, how sweet!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Chilled Fruit Salad
Lately I have been improving on my cooking skills and with that, yummy desserts and healthy side dishes. This recipe is probably so well known there's no use in even posting it but even still, here is a delicious and healthy dessert, or side dish, that Justin has given 2 thumbs up. Hope you enjoy!
8 oz can pineapple chunks, drained
11 oz can mandarin oranges, drained
4 oz jar maraschino cherries
8 oz vanilla yogurt
1 cup miniature marshmallows
1 cup chopped pecans
MIX in a bowl and chill---> This is a perfect amount for 2 people
As for an update; me and Justin have been busy driving to and from Austin for weddings, weddings and more weddings. We have been able to get good visits in with both sets of parentals so its been well worth the mileage. I am still on the job hunt which is very slow but I am trying to be patient. Good things come to those who wait right? Until later, ta ta for now.
8 oz can pineapple chunks, drained
11 oz can mandarin oranges, drained
4 oz jar maraschino cherries
8 oz vanilla yogurt
1 cup miniature marshmallows
1 cup chopped pecans
MIX in a bowl and chill---> This is a perfect amount for 2 people
As for an update; me and Justin have been busy driving to and from Austin for weddings, weddings and more weddings. We have been able to get good visits in with both sets of parentals so its been well worth the mileage. I am still on the job hunt which is very slow but I am trying to be patient. Good things come to those who wait right? Until later, ta ta for now.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Stuffed Bell Peppers
So I am finally living in Dallas with my hubby which is how it should be. Leaving Abilene was really hard for both of us, especially saying goodbye to our sweet little house, but new things are ahead and we are embracing it...sort of. But eventually everything will fall into place and it will feel like home. We have already found a little pizza joint that is to die for so no matter what, are bellies will be full.
So since I dont have a job yet Ive been working hard at cooking. I have been trying new recipes and of course, I must share the easy ones because they are the only ones people repeat. So, here is a healthy, yummy choice that got Justin's stamp of approval.
Stuffed Bell Peppers
1 cup cooked rice, tomato sauce-watered down, salt and pepper, green bell peppers (how ever many you want), 1 lb of meat, shredded chease
1. Cut out centers of bell peppers and dump out seeds
2. Parboil bell peppers until pretty tender (place them in boiling water, rotate to get all sides) and then drain
3.Cook your meat in a skillet (smoked sausage works well), add onions for flavor if desired
4. Once rice and meat are finished combine and spoon a layer into the bell peppers, then pour a little of the watered down tomato sauce, then a little shredded cheese....repeat until bell peppers are full
5. Place stuffed bell peppers into a greased baking dish and bake at 375 until bell peppers are very tender, basting each with leftover tomato sauce
Hope you enjoy, we sure did!
So since I dont have a job yet Ive been working hard at cooking. I have been trying new recipes and of course, I must share the easy ones because they are the only ones people repeat. So, here is a healthy, yummy choice that got Justin's stamp of approval.
Stuffed Bell Peppers
1 cup cooked rice, tomato sauce-watered down, salt and pepper, green bell peppers (how ever many you want), 1 lb of meat, shredded chease
1. Cut out centers of bell peppers and dump out seeds
2. Parboil bell peppers until pretty tender (place them in boiling water, rotate to get all sides) and then drain
3.Cook your meat in a skillet (smoked sausage works well), add onions for flavor if desired
4. Once rice and meat are finished combine and spoon a layer into the bell peppers, then pour a little of the watered down tomato sauce, then a little shredded cheese....repeat until bell peppers are full
5. Place stuffed bell peppers into a greased baking dish and bake at 375 until bell peppers are very tender, basting each with leftover tomato sauce
Hope you enjoy, we sure did!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Pies and Paints
This past weekend was the Fry fishing trip when all the Fry men (my mom's side) go fishing for catfish for our annual family fish fry we have every summer. This trip leaves us women folk all alone so me and mom and my aunt Kerry went to Marble Falls to hang out with Memaw and learn how to make her yummy chocolate cream pie and lemon pie. We also decided to pamper ourselves and got our toes done! What a wonderful way to acknowledge Mother's Day by spending it with generations of mommys!
We enjoyed ourselves, especially when it was time to taste our treats. And although the boys weren't catching much on pole on their little adventure, they got plenty of fish using jug lines so there will be plenty for the Fry fish fry.
Justin is coming in tomorrow (YAY!) and we are making the final move this weekend. It is all becoming so real, its a little frightening. I have my last day of school tomorrow and just finished my last shift at the restaurant which was, I wont lie, a little sad. But boy am I ready to be in the same city with my man! He is a terrific husband and I am truly blessed to have someone so wonderful to go through all of this new stuff with. Just look at that hunk!
Monday, April 25, 2011
In Times Like These
I went to visit Justin this Easter weekend and it we had so much fun. We had our first experience at Billy Bob's in Ft. Worth at the Luke Bryan concert, we hung out with an old (and new :)) friend for dinner, visited a church near our house, dyed eggs, and watched a movie! Its in times like these that I am reminded how blessed I am. I might not have a job lined up or have a lot of money but I am blessed.
Looking over at my sweet husband during Luke Bryan's song "We Rode in Trucks" while driving in his truck on a date...its in times like these.
Hearing Justin's bass voice ring out during "Up From the Grave He Arose" on Sunday...its in times like these.
When my parents call me 100 times to remind me that there is a storm coming...its in times like these.
Knowing I can call my friends any time even if we havent talked in awhile...its in times like these.
Finishing a project and feeling success in something...its in times like these.
It's in times like these I know I am blessed. I still have much packing to do, am in charge of being the MC at our field day, have 2 quilting projects to finish, and still need to find a job. I will be one busy girl for the next few weeks. But at least I finished (just have the binding left) on a quilt I started last year. Here are some pics of my first quilt, my most recent one (me and Mandi are holding it), and me and Justin's egg adventures. Enjoy!
Looking over at my sweet husband during Luke Bryan's song "We Rode in Trucks" while driving in his truck on a date...its in times like these.
Hearing Justin's bass voice ring out during "Up From the Grave He Arose" on Sunday...its in times like these.
When my parents call me 100 times to remind me that there is a storm coming...its in times like these.
Knowing I can call my friends any time even if we havent talked in awhile...its in times like these.
Finishing a project and feeling success in something...its in times like these.
It's in times like these I know I am blessed. I still have much packing to do, am in charge of being the MC at our field day, have 2 quilting projects to finish, and still need to find a job. I will be one busy girl for the next few weeks. But at least I finished (just have the binding left) on a quilt I started last year. Here are some pics of my first quilt, my most recent one (me and Mandi are holding it), and me and Justin's egg adventures. Enjoy!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Easy Chicken Pot Pie
So I thought the next time I would blog I would have all my sewing projects finished and ready to show off. That is not the case. So, I've decided to share a recipe that Justin and I find very tasty, healthy, and easy! I made it for my parents this weekend when they came in town to help me and Justin move our washer/dryer, grill, etc to storage at their house in Austin.
This recipe, I admit, would be good with a bit more seasoning than we use but we like that veggie taste, so spice it up however you like!
Chicken Pot Pie Ingredients
1 bag of frozen veggies (we use the medium sized bag with carrots, corn, green beans, peas)
1 can cream of chicken
1 package of biscuit mix- roughly 5x7 in. bag(we use Pioneer Brand pancake/baking mix-small pkg that makes like 8 pancakes)
1 cup milk
1 or 2 cans chicken breasts
1/2 cup chicken broth (Ive made it with and without broth)
1/2 stick butter or margarine (optional)
1. Mix biscuit mix and milk in bowl- set aside
2. Pour veggies and chicken into a 7x11 oven-safe dish- stir around
3. (Pour broth over veggies- optional) Pour cream of chicken over veggies (dont stir in, just spread all over top)
4. Sprinkle seasoning (salt, pepper, Dash, etc) over soup
5. Pour biscuit mix over the dish, spreading all over using the back of a spoon
6. BAKE for 30-45 minutes at 350 degrees or until biscuit topping is cooked through when poked with a fork
This recipe, I admit, would be good with a bit more seasoning than we use but we like that veggie taste, so spice it up however you like!
Chicken Pot Pie Ingredients
1 bag of frozen veggies (we use the medium sized bag with carrots, corn, green beans, peas)
1 can cream of chicken
1 package of biscuit mix- roughly 5x7 in. bag(we use Pioneer Brand pancake/baking mix-small pkg that makes like 8 pancakes)
1 cup milk
1 or 2 cans chicken breasts
1/2 cup chicken broth (Ive made it with and without broth)
1/2 stick butter or margarine (optional)
1. Mix biscuit mix and milk in bowl- set aside
2. Pour veggies and chicken into a 7x11 oven-safe dish- stir around
3. (Pour broth over veggies- optional) Pour cream of chicken over veggies (dont stir in, just spread all over top)
4. Sprinkle seasoning (salt, pepper, Dash, etc) over soup
5. Pour biscuit mix over the dish, spreading all over using the back of a spoon
6. BAKE for 30-45 minutes at 350 degrees or until biscuit topping is cooked through when poked with a fork
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Words from the past
When I got home from work tonight I started packing up a little and getting a few boxes ready for Justin to take back to Dallas when he goes back after this weekend. While I was going through a huge stack f papers I came across 3 opened manilla envelopes addressed to me. I immediately recognized them from our high school youth group retreats. Every year at retreat (usually around January) our youth minister, Rick, would ask us to write a letter to ourselves/God, and then to 3 people at the retreat. The letters were supposed to be encouraging words or tell something you admired about that person. We would then seal them up and turn them in and he would gather all the letters that had been written to you and mail them after like 8 months. By then you forget you ever wrote any letters so when they come its like Christmas day. Anyway, I had 3 years worth of letters and I started to go through them year by year. Some of them were sweet, some casual, some even brought tears to my eyes. Some brought up happy times and some reminded me of some very painful times. But what made me so happy and emotional was to remind myself that others see good in me. That is something that sometimes comes difficult for me, to believe the good that others have to say about me. After reading I thought, "do they really see all that?", or, "what made me stand out to them?" And an even harder question, "What would people see in me now?"
What a beautiful reminder to be an example of God's love to the people I am not even aware are watching me. Even in my most immature days, when I thought no one was watching, when I didnt make the bet decisions, God used me to bless someone's day or perhaps someone's life. And I for sure was blessed by many in that group along the way...thank God for the experiences in the Westover youth group.
What a beautiful reminder to be an example of God's love to the people I am not even aware are watching me. Even in my most immature days, when I thought no one was watching, when I didnt make the bet decisions, God used me to bless someone's day or perhaps someone's life. And I for sure was blessed by many in that group along the way...thank God for the experiences in the Westover youth group.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Sewing fun and a family update
Alright, so its no secret that I am not the most domestic woman out there. However, I want to improve in that area and am doing so by trying to learn to sew. I can sew a straight line, no problem. That sums up piecing together a quilt top. But the question now is, can I make a simple skirt that looks any good? I found a blogspot that I have enjoyed reading called and I encourgae you to check it out. This lady is super crafty but her stuff looks very professional too. I made the skirt from her 'elastic skirt, mama edition' tutorial and it turned out just the way it was supposed to but it was VERY unflattering on me...even though it looked darling on her in the picture. SO, with that experiment in the works, it got me very motivated to try and really sew a skirt worth wearing. I will post my progress and I would love it if any of you had any suggestions/patterns/tips/easy-to-sew ideas. Ill be back, hopefully with a finished product!
Update on the family:
Just a quick update on my dad just went in for an angiogram where they shoot dye into his heart area and find any blockages. He had 2 stints put in and it went smoothly. They are going to go in a little later to check on another area but thank the Lord they could fix the problem happening now. My mom was lucky to have her sister, my aunt Kerry, come down and hang out in the hospital with her. She said dad had many visitors, mostly of which was family. We are so blessed and God is so good.
Justin is finishing up training at his new job and will start next week on the phones by himself. He seems to be adjusted to the Dallas area and says there are many new food joints we will have to try. I love finding new places that are unique to the area. We got a little apartment there so me and Dixie dog are going to come visit this coming weekend and stay awhile (its my Spring Break). I have an interview on Tuesday and am very eager to see what the potential job could entail. Prayers for peace regarding finding a job would be greatly appreciated. Even if it doesnt work out in my favor, it gives me hope that there might be a place out there for me in the job world. God will use me wherever I end up. Alright...Ill be back with more in a bit!
Update on the family:
Just a quick update on my dad just went in for an angiogram where they shoot dye into his heart area and find any blockages. He had 2 stints put in and it went smoothly. They are going to go in a little later to check on another area but thank the Lord they could fix the problem happening now. My mom was lucky to have her sister, my aunt Kerry, come down and hang out in the hospital with her. She said dad had many visitors, mostly of which was family. We are so blessed and God is so good.
Justin is finishing up training at his new job and will start next week on the phones by himself. He seems to be adjusted to the Dallas area and says there are many new food joints we will have to try. I love finding new places that are unique to the area. We got a little apartment there so me and Dixie dog are going to come visit this coming weekend and stay awhile (its my Spring Break). I have an interview on Tuesday and am very eager to see what the potential job could entail. Prayers for peace regarding finding a job would be greatly appreciated. Even if it doesnt work out in my favor, it gives me hope that there might be a place out there for me in the job world. God will use me wherever I end up. Alright...Ill be back with more in a bit!
Friday, March 4, 2011
It baffles me
Being considered an adult is a tricky thing. Starting in junior high, then high school, and then later in college we are told what will be expected of us when we are an adult. We are told that we will be expected to be professional, respectful, responsible, and even admirable. We are told that all of these qualities will help us survive in the dreaded 'real world' and that we, at that moment, have no idea what that really entails. I have been in the 'real world' for about 2, 2 1/2, years now and am convinced that all of that was a load of melarky. I shouldnt say all of it was garbage, the part about what is expected of us seems to ring true. But the part I cant seem to place my finger on is why all those traits are expected when those are not the qualities you encounter when stepping foot into the 'real world'. I am amazed at the way the so called adults around me pretend they exemplify those 'adult qualities' when their behavior is, quite frankly, childish. And by childish I mean like an ornery five year old as well as a pre-teen who hasnt developed that content-censor. Its almost as if having the adult status disquises childish behavior, as if such behavior is justified because of a greater knowledge of a situation. Of course these situations, according to 'adults', could never be understood by the tiny mind of a high school or college student. That was sarcasm if you didnt catch it.
I might be rambling so let me back up. I met my husband when I was 12 and knew I wanted to marry him when I was 17. The only older people around me that took that relationship seriously were our parents and youth ministers (a teacher or two are included in this group). Many other older people straight out told us we were too young to know anything. An article was printed up in our school newspaper by a teacher further proclaiming this. I think these types of instances separate the real adults from the so-called-adults. Which by the way my brother and his wife, my sister-in-laws brother and his wife, my best friend and her husband, and many couples before our graduating class found each other at 17 or younger and are living happily ever after. Kiss that so-called-adults.
Ive been a waitress for almost 3 years and have learned more about people than I ever thought possible. I have encountered these real adults and the so-called-adults when they come in to dine at my restaurant. Some of the worst customers I have ever served were dressed in suits on business lunches/dinners. Let me state that not all business people that come in act childish but generally speaking, you can call it when they walk through the door. They snap at you, use condescending tones with phrases like, "Ummm, yyeeeaaaa, you forgot my straw", or "uuummmm ma''am, arent you gunna get our food" as if I can make the food cook faster. They answer their cell phone while you're in midsentence answering one of their questions. These are the people that educate us young stupid people that we are to be professional, respectful, responsible, and admirable. And just for future reference, almost all of the servers I work with have a degree, are working on a masters, or are in the middle of the bachelor's degree. We are not stupid because just because we aren't too arrogant to work a job like this. Just letting you know...all of you so-called-adults.
All of this to say, be an adult you so-called-adults. Stop acting like you're professional, respectful, responsible, or admirable just because of your position in life. A position doesn't make you an adult. Age doesn't make you an adult either for that matter.
It all just baffles me.
I might be rambling so let me back up. I met my husband when I was 12 and knew I wanted to marry him when I was 17. The only older people around me that took that relationship seriously were our parents and youth ministers (a teacher or two are included in this group). Many other older people straight out told us we were too young to know anything. An article was printed up in our school newspaper by a teacher further proclaiming this. I think these types of instances separate the real adults from the so-called-adults. Which by the way my brother and his wife, my sister-in-laws brother and his wife, my best friend and her husband, and many couples before our graduating class found each other at 17 or younger and are living happily ever after. Kiss that so-called-adults.
Ive been a waitress for almost 3 years and have learned more about people than I ever thought possible. I have encountered these real adults and the so-called-adults when they come in to dine at my restaurant. Some of the worst customers I have ever served were dressed in suits on business lunches/dinners. Let me state that not all business people that come in act childish but generally speaking, you can call it when they walk through the door. They snap at you, use condescending tones with phrases like, "Ummm, yyeeeaaaa, you forgot my straw", or "uuummmm ma''am, arent you gunna get our food" as if I can make the food cook faster. They answer their cell phone while you're in midsentence answering one of their questions. These are the people that educate us young stupid people that we are to be professional, respectful, responsible, and admirable. And just for future reference, almost all of the servers I work with have a degree, are working on a masters, or are in the middle of the bachelor's degree. We are not stupid because just because we aren't too arrogant to work a job like this. Just letting you know...all of you so-called-adults.
All of this to say, be an adult you so-called-adults. Stop acting like you're professional, respectful, responsible, or admirable just because of your position in life. A position doesn't make you an adult. Age doesn't make you an adult either for that matter.
It all just baffles me.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Pumpkin Cheesecake
In my attempts to become more domestic I tried out a new recipe and it turned out great! Justin came in this past weekend to visit (for those of you who dont know, he got a job in Dallas and Ill join him when my job finishes) and I wanted to eat yummy food all weekend so I made red beans and rice and pumpkin cheesecake. This recipe tastes very pumpkiny so if you dont like pumpkin pie, you probably wont like this. But for the rest of you, its delicious! The recipe came from the infamous Paula Dean so I knew it couldnt be bad. Easy and yummy...this coming from someone who always manages to butcher easy recipes. I wish you happy baking!
graham cracker crust (this recipe fills 2 store bought graham cracker crusts)
3 packages of cream cheese (8 ounce bars)- ROOM TEMP
1 can pumpkin
3 eggs + 1 egg yolk
1/4 cup sour cream
1 1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/8 tsp. nutmeg
1/8 tsp. cloves
2 Tbs. flour
1 tsp. vanilla
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
-BEAT cream cheese until smooth (use mixer).
-ADD pumpkin, eggs, egg yolk, sour cream, sugar, spices, flour, and vanilla
-BEAT together until smooth- higher speeds gets rid of lumps
COOK for 1 hour; let sit for 15 minutes, THEN refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight.
graham cracker crust (this recipe fills 2 store bought graham cracker crusts)
3 packages of cream cheese (8 ounce bars)- ROOM TEMP
1 can pumpkin
3 eggs + 1 egg yolk
1/4 cup sour cream
1 1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/8 tsp. nutmeg
1/8 tsp. cloves
2 Tbs. flour
1 tsp. vanilla
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
-BEAT cream cheese until smooth (use mixer).
-ADD pumpkin, eggs, egg yolk, sour cream, sugar, spices, flour, and vanilla
-BEAT together until smooth- higher speeds gets rid of lumps
COOK for 1 hour; let sit for 15 minutes, THEN refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Oh the fun we'll have!
With this being my first post on our blog I feel it necessary to update everyone on what is going on with the Smiths. Justin recently began a job in Dallas working as a Customer Support Specialist for a company that deals with software for home-health nurses. This is very exciting since it means a consistent paycheck however, he had to begin February 7th, leaving me in Abilene alone. It is best for me to finish out the school year (my part-time teaching gig) which ends the first week of May. I will then join him in Dallas and I am sooo excited for that day to come! It has been tough but we have gotten to visit each other and that has been something to get me through the weeks.
While Justin is working hard bringing home the bacon, I have continued to regularly meet with my quilting gals. We meet every Monday to work on our quilting project and I thoroughly enjoy the girl time. I am working on finishing my 3rd quilt and am expecting the 2nd one back all quilted and finished. I cant wait to see what it looks like all done! I will be sure to post pictures of my completed projects as soon as they are ready.
On one last note, I just have to mention our sweet puppy dog, Dixie. As silly as it is she is a huge part of our lives...I know, I know, we are those weird dog people. But let me first say that I had to make the cross-over when we got married. Dogs are for one purpose only, to protect their owners and bark at intruders. That was until we got Dixie doodle. She is a sweet companion and I just had to share a bit about her.
And in honor of our first post, here is a picture of our little family.
While Justin is working hard bringing home the bacon, I have continued to regularly meet with my quilting gals. We meet every Monday to work on our quilting project and I thoroughly enjoy the girl time. I am working on finishing my 3rd quilt and am expecting the 2nd one back all quilted and finished. I cant wait to see what it looks like all done! I will be sure to post pictures of my completed projects as soon as they are ready.
On one last note, I just have to mention our sweet puppy dog, Dixie. As silly as it is she is a huge part of our lives...I know, I know, we are those weird dog people. But let me first say that I had to make the cross-over when we got married. Dogs are for one purpose only, to protect their owners and bark at intruders. That was until we got Dixie doodle. She is a sweet companion and I just had to share a bit about her.
And in honor of our first post, here is a picture of our little family.
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