Friday, June 24, 2011

Nobody knows the touble Ive seen

I titled this post with a verse of the song Zazu sings when stuck in the cage at the end of Lion King. Thats about how I have been feeling lately, trapped in a little cage, powerless to do anything. Dont worry, Im not going to have a pity party, its just incredible how much we are able to handle with some trust in God. Let me make sense of this for you...

Happenings of the last month:
-Justin's truck wouldnt start. We have been going with just one car. We are hoping to revive it soon.
-My car's bumper bends back when you pull out of a parking space.
-My car got a flat while me and Justin went to the Dallas aquarium.
-My car's battery died and had to be replaced. We had to walk, with battery in hand, to the Auto Zone up the road to buy a new one.
-School loans kicked in.
-Dixie almost got hit by a car one night when me and Justin took her for a walk.
-I have yet to find a full time job.

This might not sound too bad but it has rocked our little world. And anyone who knows me knows that I worry, panic, and worry some more. However, I feel oddly at peace and I guess I'm waiting for the freak out moment to come. All this to say that no matter how much we go through, or how huge these problems seem now, I am confident God will work through it. No struggle in life is not worth what we have coming.

I just watched a movie and heard a quote that I loved. Although Ill probably butcher it, it goes something like,

"Please, LORD, give me the strength to do the things I can control. Give me the patience with the things I cant, and give me the courage to tell the difference."

I have absolutely no idea how we are going to make it but it doesnt matter...I have an incredible family and an even more amazing calling, to trust God in all things.

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