Monday, August 1, 2011

Guess what folks!!?? Its happening!!

I know I just posted like 2 days ago but there is such great news that I must post again. I have been on the job hunt for just about 2 months, not too bad, but was getting frustrated at the types of jobs that I was being considered for and was ready to see something open up that I really wanted to do. Well, thank the good Lord that I passed on a previous offer to part time teach it comes...are you ready for this.....I was just offered a Nutritionist/Clinical Supervisor position with WIC!!!!! (Woman, Infant, and Children through Outreach Services)

Finally, I get to use my degree and what better way than through a service that helps underprivileged people feed their family! Its in Kaufman, Texas which means we get to move into a bigger place! Its east of Dallas but not too far, Justin will still have a fairly short drive to work. Thank you so much to those who have prayed for us and who have been thinking of us. We appreciate all the support of our family and cant wait to start getting ahead in life! A lot of our worries and financial woes were caused by me not being employed full time and now I think we will rest easier knowing we have a bit more money coming in. Thank you God for opening this door.

Also, special thanks to Jason/Shana for lending us a car while we were in need. Thank you to Kris/Kristy for offering to help us if we needed it. Thank you to our parents for loving us, helping us, and praying for our situation to improve. And thank God for giving us patience and making our money go further than it seemed it could.


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