Alright, so those promised photos of our house and our finished products might be a while longer. I gotta figure out how to load pictures to the computer from my new camera. SO, here's a quick update, if you care to know, of whats been going on in our lives:
1. car broke, carpooled to work for a week (2 1/2 hours of driving for Justin each day), fixed the car
2. the other car broke, rental for a week, fixed the car
3. started to finish our tv console table, circular saw broke, project postponed
4. visited new churches on and off for awhile just to conclude we might oughta stick where we were
Now on to the positive!!
1. we finished a shelf that now has all our photos displayed across our living room wall
2. we had a Super Bowl get-together and ate lots of cheese dip, and yes, eating cheese dip was exciting enough to add to the list
3. Justin placed his first client (thats his job but its harder than it sounds- he places Accountants in careers) within the first month of starting!
4. we both felt "wooed" by God this past Sunday to finally attend a church we might call home
5. both cars are now running!! Thanks to my precious, did I mention awesome?, parents
6. I get to visit my good friends in sweet Abilene this weekend and its Sing Song, shouts to AKO and Galaxy
7. Justin got me a very unique and pretty blue topaz necklace for Valentines Day- he really is the most thoughtful husband and I'm so blessed that he chose me
8. we have broken our puppy dog of using the couch (she reverted back during the move) via the "scram mat"- it beeps when she jumps on the couch
9. we have plans of taking a little trip together here in the next couple months (any thoughts of cool places in OK or AK close to the Texas border?)
10. And lastly, Justin will be going on a canoe trip with his best friends in mid March
God has been working through the support we've received from family lately and in major ways in our search for a church home. No matter where we go or what we do, God, through so many things lately, is taking care of us and revealing his mighty power. I am so blessed! And come back to our blog when Ive got some photos up!